
罗伯特·伊格尔手杖 中学

关于Eagle Staff
办公室的电子邮件: eaglestaff@qfyx100.com


就读地区 考勤区地图

School Leadership and Board District

Community Partners at Eagle Staff Community resources and programs at Eagle Staff 中学

Continuous School Improvement Plan (C-SIP)

罗伯特·伊格尔手杖 中学 C-SIP

学校持续改善计划(C-SIP)是每所学校的行动计划 它确定了学校在当前和即将到来的学年计划重点关注的领域, the performance goals they want 学生 to achieve, and how the school plans to collaboratively meet these goals.

这些计划会定期更新,以反映每所学校正在使用的策略. 这个文件也可以作为我们的标题I学校全校范围内的改进计划.



罗伯特·伊格尔手杖 中学 Report

学校报告s show a brief snapshot of a school’s academic growth, 学生气候, 问责制, 家庭和员工敬业度, 以及学校的整体表现. 学校报告由州公共教育监督办公室为该州的每个学校和地区制作,并在全年定期更新数据.

关于国家评估, 学生 who are expected to participate but do not, 比如缺席或选择退出, 被算作非精通. This may affect the school’s overall proficiency rating.

问题 关于学校报告? Contact the Research and Evaluation Department research@qfyx100.com.


罗伯特·伊格尔手杖 School Climate Survey

学校气氛调查 are used for school-level improvements, climate surveys are given to all staff, 学生, 以及每年的家庭. The staff and student surveys are given to respective groups in person at schools; the family survey occurs in the spring.


罗伯特·伊格尔手杖 建筑历史 and Information

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

Due to the age of the building or previous asbestos abatement projects, 没有已知的含石棉建筑材料(ACBM)在罗伯特·伊格尔员工大楼. 如发现任何可疑物质,请通知下列石棉指定人员.

根据AHERA的要求, 罗伯特·伊格尔教职员中学必须保持石棉管理计划(AMP),并将其存档在学校. The AMP is available for review during school hours, Monday through Friday.

Environmental Health and Safety Manager


作为西雅图卓越计划的一部分, 十大正规网赌软件’ Strategic Plan, 该地区致力于中断不合比例的纪律做法. To support this work and to increase transparency and 问责制, 该学区为每所学校创建并发布了面向公众的纪律指示板,并于11月1日发布, 2021.

纪律仪表板数据反映了当前学年,并将在整个学年每季度更新一次. 如有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系具体学校的学校领导.

访问/违约: Click here to switch to an accessible version of the dashboard.
按月行动: Count of disciplinary actions by month and exclusion type.
行动: Count of disciplinary actions for an exclusion type.
:排除天数 for an exclusion type.
E. 驱逐: Count of emergency expulsions for a student attribute.
排外行动:排他行为的计数 for a student attribute.
排除天:排除天数 for a student attribute.
排除类型:短期停牌(SS), 长期停飞(LS), 紧急驱逐(EE), 在校休学(IS), 驱逐(特异), and Interim alternative education setting (IA).
驱逐: Count of expulsions for a student attribute.
FERPA合规: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Compliance. *
按星期划分的事件: Count of disciplinary actions by day of week.
按级别划分的事故: Count of disciplinary actions by grade.
按小时划分的事故: Count of disciplinary actions by hour.
按排除类别划分的事故: Count of disciplinary incidents for an exclusion type.
Incidents by Student 属性 or Support Service: Count of disciplinary incidents. Incidents are counted as many times as there are 学生 involved.
每100名学生的事件数:违纪事件数除以在校生数,再乘以100. Incidents are counted as many times as there are 学生 involved.
: Discipline rate for an exclusion type.
学生: Count of 学生 with at least one disciplinary incident.
悬浮液: Count of suspensions for a student attribute.
武器: Count of disciplinary incidents in which a weapon was involved.

* Please note: When a group has fewer than 10 enrolled 学生, all values for at least the two smallest groups are suppressed.

罗伯特·伊格尔手杖 Levy Projects


以前构成威尔逊太平洋校区的建筑被拆除,取而代之的是新的卡斯卡迪亚小学建筑和新的罗伯特鹰教工中学建筑. LIcton Springs K-8学校占据了新中学大楼的一侧. The new school buildings opened Fall 2017.

利维批准 : 2013


之前存在的110个,000平方英尺, 1950年代威尔逊太平洋学校的建筑被拆除,为新学校让路. The Native American murals by artist Andrew Morrison were detached, stored and reinstalled as part of construction of the new buildings. 新校区被设计成一所小学、一所中学和一所K-8学校. 它包括一个中央合成草皮运动场,有一条步道,还有足球场和垒球场,也为社区田径提供服务.

新的罗伯特·伊格尔手杖中学作为西雅图西北部的一所新中学开放. 学校大楼, which will hold up to 850 middle school 学生, 由三层教室两翼组成,以优化被动太阳能朝向和日光进入教室. 学校包括各种灵活组织的学习环境,可以随着时间的推移而改变. 这将使罗伯特·伊格尔教职员中学能够以各种方式支持所有学生,以消除机会差距. 教室群围绕着一个共享的学习公共空间配置,通过室内窗户墙为小组提供监督空间. Multiple science labs support a variety of program configurations. The central wing includes “makerspace” labs and an arts studio.

下议院, located in the heart of the school, has been designed to accommodate presentations and performances, 还有聚会和吃饭. 邻近的舞台将容纳典型的中学乐队和合唱团表演, with room for an audience of up to 700. The library features multiple spaces for large or small groups. 图书馆附近的“创客空间”扩展了可用活动的范围,包括使用清洁技术的设计和制造. 声乐和器乐室由几个较小的练习室支持. The gym has a full-size competition basketball court for community use. Using the bleachers and other seating on the floor, the space can accommodate whole-school events or assemblies.

中学包括一个面向东方的室外庭院,用于娱乐和聚会, 这里有精心保存和重新安装的美洲原住民壁画,还有一个荣誉圈,庆祝该遗址的历史,以及利克顿泉对美洲原住民的文化意义.


两座学校建筑都将采用预制混凝土板和纤维水泥板墙, 由钢框架支撑的外部外壳的玻璃和膜屋顶.


卓越建筑(BEX)资本征费用于资助现代化或更换老旧建筑物的项目, fund technology for student learning, 处理整个地区的地震和安全问题以及主要的预防性维护需求.

2013年,超过72%的西雅图选民通过了咳嗽四世资本税.BEX V资本税将取代即将到期的税收,并将于2019年2月在选民面前进行投票.


2010年2月, 270美元的, 六年征费, 建筑, Technology and 学者 III (BTA三世), 获得73人支持.45 percent of those voting in the Levy election. It was a renewal of the 建筑, Technology and Athletics (BTA二世) Levy, passed by voters in February 2004.

  • 2011 : Installed energy-conserving fan and pump motors at Wilson-Pacific.


In 2004, Seattle voters approved the BTA二世 capital Levy. 该基金资助了该地区每所学校近700个设施改善项目和技术升级. 

  • 2012 : Replaced boiler burners to improve energy efficiency at Wilson-Pacific.


价值1.5亿美元的建筑, 科技及学术/体育(BTA我)资本征款于一九九八年二月获投票通过. BTA我在该市的每所学校资助了超过465个大小设施项目. The projects included safety and security upgrades, roof and window replacements and technology and athletic field upgrades.

  • 2001 : Athletic field at Wilson-Pacific
  • 1999 威尔逊太平洋公司正在搬迁


这些建筑, 技术和学术(BTA)资本税支持该地区的长期计划,以升级和翻新老化的学校设施,并解决入学人数增长问题.

The BTA我V Capital Levy was approved by voters in 2016. 十大正规网赌软件 will receive these Levy funds from 2017 through 2022.
